Mentoring Black Youth: A Guide for Those Who Want to Help

With the current state of racial injustice in our country, it’s more important now than ever to support and mentor black youth. But how can those outside the black community best provide guidance and mentorship? Here is a guide for adults who want to help young people of colour grow, learn, and succeed.


Step 1: Listen
The most important step to mentoring black youth is listening. Listening allows us to understand the barriers they face and what they need from us as mentors. Listening also helps us become better allies by educating ourselves on their experiences. When talking with a young person of colour, be sure to ask questions that demonstrate your interest in learning about their perspective on things like racism or inequality. It’s also important that you allow them enough space to speak without interruption - this will show them that their voice matters and encourages an open dialogue.


Step 2: Provide Resources
Mentors can provide resources such as books, websites, or organizations that can help young people of colour get ahead. This could include resources such as scholarships specifically designed for black students or other initiatives created by non-profits focused on improving access to education in the black community. Additionally, mentors should be aware of any local events or programs specifically designed for black youth so they can attend together.


Step 3: Be Patient
Mentoring black youth requires patience because there may be times when they don’t want to talk about difficult topics such as racism or oppression; they may just need time and space away from it all. That being said, it’s still important not to let these topics go unaddressed - instead allow the conversation to come up organically when possible and remind them that you are there if they ever need someone to talk with about these issues or any other ideas or struggles they may have.
Conclusion: Mentoring black youth isn't always easy but it is incredibly rewarding! With some patience and understanding, adults can provide a much needed source of guidance and support for young people of colour in our society today. Through listening, providing resources, and being patient we can help create a brighter future for everyone - regardless of race! By taking these steps we can make sure every young person has a chance at success no matter where they come from or what challenges life throws their way!


Step 4: Don't try to be a hero

Be yourself, and ensure your way of helping others does not operate from a God or Hero complex. Allow the young person to feel comfortable leading the mentoring discussions, pace and goals set. Yes, you are a mentor, there to help, guide and encourage, but you are not there to supervise, dictate or manage. Leave that for work. If a young person see's that you are consistently creating a space 'for them' not for you to always talk and share your experiences over their own, they will see you as a trusted adult, feel safe being vulnerable and respect the time you give to help them.

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Mentoring: A Pathway Through Structural Barriers

As a leader, you understand the importance of creating a culture that encourages diversity and inclusion. But how do you ensure everyone has access to the same opportunities for growth and development? One way is the mentorship of young people furthest away from advantage and from Global Majority backgrounds.

Simply put, mentoring is a powerful tool for ensuring everyone has equitable access to professional growth. Here’s why mentoring is critical for supporting young people in navigating structural barriers.

Mentoring Can Help Identify Structural Barriers
One of the most difficult aspects of navigating structural barriers is identifying them. This is where mentorship can be especially helpful, as it allows young people to gain insight into their own experiences and those of others. Through conversation, mentors can help mentees identify patterns in their careers shaped by unconscious bias or systemic discrimination and advise on safe and progressive strategies for overcoming those barriers. For example, if a young person is being passed over for promotions due to their gender or race, a mentor may be able to guide how they can advocate more effectively or address any issues around the familiar lack of confidence, imposter syndrome or the more complicated issue of systemic racism.


Mentoring Can Foster Career Growth in Unconventional Ways
Another way mentoring can help navigate structural barriers is by providing career guidance outside of traditional paths. Too often, certain roles are closed off to individuals based on ethnicity, religious beliefs or cultural practices, preventing them from accessing job opportunities that others take for granted. Mentors can offer support by providing advice on alternative pathways that will allow young people to explore new areas and develop new skill sets outside of traditional routes. They can also serve as advocates in situations where a young person may feel like they’re facing unfair treatment because of their background or identity—a strong mentor/mentee relationship can act as a buffer against this kind of discrimination.

Mentoring Helps Build Networks & Connections
Finally, having a mentor opens up access to valuable networks and connections which are often inaccessible due to structural barriers such as race or class. By leveraging these networks and connections, young people can better expand their career options and find potential mentors who specialize in particular fields that interest them—such as technology, finance, law, etc.—which gives them more opportunities for advancement than going it alone would provide them with. Additionally, having a mentor who understands young people's challenges when trying to break through structural barriers gives young mentees the confidence they need to succeed despite these obstacles.


Mentoring is a great resource for helping young people navigate structural barriers in their professional lives—but organisations must encourage this practice so everyone has equal access to opportunity regardless of background or identity. With proper guidance from experienced professionals who understand the unique concerns faced by young people attempting to overcome these types of obstacles, anyone can achieve success despite them! Creating an inclusive environment starts with fostering relationships between mentors and mentees; so don’t wait—start connecting today!


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