Youth Mentoring Training - Black History Month Special

This Black History Month we have a selection of training focused on supporting school teachers and youth practitioners in developing their mentoring practice.

We aim to enhance the power of mentoring to support black boys and girls. This training is perfect for teachers, trustees and all youth practitioners.

Delivered by The Mentoring Lab founder and Ceo, Elaine Thomas, we create an inclusive safe space to reflect, explore and develop your mentoring practice.
Youth Mentoring Training Topic and Dates: 
Topic: Culturally Competent Youth Mentoring 
Date: 4th or 5th of October 2022
Location: Online 
For course information and to book your place, please click here
Topic: Introduction to Mentoring Black Boys and Girls
Date: 11th October 2022
Location: Online
For course information and to book your place, please click here
Topic: Mentoring Black Boys and Girls (CPD)
Date: 28th October 2022
Location: Online
For course information and to book your place, please click here
Topic: Racial Equity in Youth Mentoring
Date: 27th October 2022
Location: Online
For course information and to book your place, please click here
Contact us today
To speak with a member of our training team, contact Lian at [email protected] or call 02081588500

Using Transactional Analysis in youth mentoring

In this episode of the 16 part Opogo vlog series, our Founder and Ceo breaks down the barrier often experienced when initiating relationships with a mentee, particularly young people from some of the hardest-to-reach backgrounds.



If you would like to find out more about our youth mentoring training or how we can support a young person you know, contact us today.

How our Founders' career in youth mentoring began

In this episode of the 16 part Opogo vlog series, our Founder and Ceo her educational background in social policy and how her career in youth mentoring started.


If you would like to find out more about our youth mentoring training or how we can support a young person you know, contact us today.