Mount Snowdon Fundraising Challenge
Sponsored Walk

Fri 13th - Sun 15th October 2023

About the hike

At 1,085 metres above sea level, Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales. Situated in the glorious mountain range of Snowdonia, you’ll be treated to some spectacular views at the summit.

Snowdon Weather Forecast: We do not expect it to be snowing on the mountain in Oct. 

Snowdon Peak find the weather forecast here
Snowdon area general weather forecast here
Hiking builds character

By taking part in this trip hikers will develop a range of qualities such as resilience, confidence, self awareness and sense of achievement that sharpen their character and attitude towards life. 

Whether this is your first challenge and you want to test yourself, or you simply want to meet like-minded people and raise for a good cause, take on this incredible challenge with The Mentoring Lab and join over 350,000 hikers annually up Mount Snowdon.

You’ll be joined by expert mountaineering guides throughout your time with us, providing you with support and assistance along the way.

How to take part 
Complete this very short form, and we will get back to you within 3 working days.

Confirming your registration: To confirm your commitment to attending this trip and supporting the trips fundraising efforts, please confirm your registration on eventbrite here

Key information
Event type: Mount Snowdon Fundraising Challenge
Date: Fri 13th - Sun 15th Oct 2023

Age Range: Over 10's only
Under 10's can attend but need to be accompanied by a suitable adult.

Pick Up and Return: 
Fri 13th Oct @ 4pm: Homerton Library
Sun 15th Oct @ 5pm: Homerton Library

Watch a message about the trip from Elaine Thomas, TML founder, Ceo 

Registration Details

Registration fee: To confirm your commitment to attending this trip and supporting the trips fundraising efforts, please pay a £25 reservation fee here

Registration deadline: 30th Sept 2023

How to take part 
Pay your reservation fee here and complete the registration form, we will get back to you within 3 working days.

Suitability: This fundraising hike is suitable for people 13 years and over. 

Under 10's can attend but need to be accompanied by a suitable adult. Suitable for new and experienced mountain hikers. First timers are advised to train by going on local power walks a few times a week. The hike lasts between 5 and 7 hours and you will be on your feet during this time.

Fundraising Details 

How people can sponsor you to take this trip.

Step 1) Download and print the fundraising form found in the link below

Fundraising Form
Step 2) Set up a fundraiser account with Local Giving, instructions in how to set up an account are in the link below
Step 3) Ask your friends, family, school and community to sponsor you. Using the fundraising form and your personal online Local Giving account. 

Using the Fundraising Form
Please keep the money safe and declare all donations to The Mentoring Lab. You can hand donations in once the fundraiser is over.

Using the online Local Giving account 
This is a great and prefered way to ask people to sponsor you, please ask if they can also click the gift aid, so that we receive an extra 25% on top of their donation from the UK Government.

Prize for the highest fundraiser
The fundraiser that raises the most funds will also receive a Virgin Experience day.

The Fundraising target per young person: £250 -£750

The Fundraising target per young adult (over 17 years old):
 £250 - £1000
The fundraising target will cover the total cost of the hike including, transport to Wales and back, overnight accommodation, meals and the cost of the tour guides.

Fundraising Target 
We would like to raise a minimum of £10000 via our friends and supporters giving donations to The Mentoring Lab to complete this challenge. In order to do this we ask that both young people and those over 18 years old, fundraise to cover the cost of the trip donations to The Mentoring Lab, as such:

Why support The Mentoring Lab's Fundraising Efforts

At The Mentoring Lab we know that hiking can improve lives for the better, allowing hikers to develop perseverance, resilience and confidence.

By taking part in this trip young people will develop a range of qualities such as resilience, confidence, self awareness and sense of achievement that sharpen their character and attitude towards life.

As you already know, mentoring empowers young people and creates opportunities to lift themselves out of difficulties.

As such we are doing this fundraising to; 

1) give young people the opportunity of a lifetime 
2) give young people space to practice using patience, team work, positive thinking and resilience 
3) help The Mentoring Lab continue doing great work. We often provide mentoring even when we do not have funding to cover our costs.

Why is this? It's because every week we are approached by parents and guardians anxious to use mentoring and advocacy to empower their child, however many are from low income families and can not afford our services.

Our mentoring offers parents/ guardians a chance to invest in their child, giving young people the tools to improve the quality of their life as they transition from adolescence to adulthood. Due to the work we do, throughout a year we also advocate and mentor our youth members struggling with educational injustices.

With your help, The Mentoring Lab will be able to continue to provide young people, with culturally sensitive mentoring and advocacy support, resources and the opportunities essential to reflect, explore, reframe and develop the qualities and characteristics to thrive.

Access for all

Click here to learn more about the accessibility of hiking Snowdonia Mountain

More Trip Details

How long will the hike take?

The full hike should take approximately 5-7 hours up and down. The route is liable to change in line with weather conditions to ensure the safest path is taken.

Do I need to be fit and healthy?

You don’t need to be super fit, but you must be prepared to be on your feet for at least 5-7 hours. 

How to prepare for the hike?
It is recommended that hikers prepare by going on local power walks a few times a week.

Trip Guide and Leads

We will have professional hiking guides that will supervise our hike to and from the Snowdon Peak. 

The Trip lead to and from Hackney Town Hall will be Elaine Thomas, please contact us on 07412640174 or 02081588500 if you need to call in the morning or throughout the trip. 6 members of The Mentoring Lab staff team will be assisting this trip, ensuring all young people are safe and engaged in the trip activities.

We currently have two Parent Volunteers. We are currently seeking trusted parents in our TML community, to assist during the trip and support our fundraising efforts.

Youth Leaders are to be confirmed. They are trained to support their peers and ensure everyone engages and has safe fun during Game Time sessions.

Where will hikers be staying?
From Fri 13th Oct 2023 we will spend two nights at a hotel close to Snowdon Mountain. We will provide location details to those who register. 

(Note: The fundraising done by individuals aims to cover the accommodation fee of £75 per person which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Once again, the cost of accommodation should be covered by each young person's fundraising efforts). 

At the accommodation young people will stay in a shared room of 4-6 people (same gender rooms). For more information email [email protected].

What is included in the trip (cost will be covered by your fundraising efforts)?

- Transport there and back
- Round the clock support from The Mentoring Lab Team
- Resources to help with fundraising efforts
- Qualified mountain guides
- Qualified first aiders
- Refreshment pack
- Celebratory meal
- Challenge medal
- Personalised hoodie for all those who fundraise £800 or more.

What should I bring with me?

Having the correct personal equipment will make your hike more enjoyable and comfortable. We hope that you find the following suggestions useful when considering what to take on your trip. They are based on personal experiences and we are confident that you may find other solutions working equally well.

We recommend that you travel as light as possible. Below is a non-exclusive list of what you should bring to the hike:

- Good ankle high boots with excellent grip (not shoes or pumps)
- Thermal and waterproof socks
- A couple of t-shirts (cotton or preferably breathable/fast drying)
- Foldable waterproof and windproof jacket with hood
- Synthetic mid layer or warm fleece
- Rucksack
- Water bottle

Additional things to bring

- Sunglasses, sunscreen and lip salve
- Hat or baseball cap or winter (woollen) beanie
- Personal First Aid kit (wet wipes, flu remedies, stomach remedies)
- Snacks (fruit, snack bars etc.)
- Fully charged mobile phone (a separate external battery for your phone is advisable)
- Hiking pole/stick

Snowdon National Park Map
Via the Snowdon National Park Map HERE

Food and Refreshments
Lunch and refreshments will also be provided however, we recommend children bring more food and healthy drinks. No fizzy drinks or sweets!

Safety Measures:

- We will be purchasing group travel insurance to cover the mountain hike, however we recommend you also buy personal travel insurance with your preferred travel insurance company. Please let us know if you already have annual multi trip / banks travel insurance policy, that covers your child.

- Parents are welcome to attend with their children. However must obtain a DBS and supply reference details in order to attend. Please contact us asap if you would like to come, so we have your DBS/ reference checks before the trip date. 

Staff will also ask that all follow trip safety guidelines that include:

- All children will be allocated a Key TML person, unless they are with their parents, who will have the responsibility for their child.

- Follow the instructions of the professional hike guide, customer service team and TML staff.

- Children are to be escorted to the toilets by a member of the TML team or their parent


Fri 13th Oct 2023
4pm - Leave Hackney
10pm - Arrive in Snowdon, Wales
10.30pm - Very late Dinner
11.30pm - Bedtime

Sat 14th Oct 2023
9am - Wake 
10am - Breakfast
11am - Start Mountain Hike
6pm - End Mountain Hike (yah!)
7pm - Eat a big dinner

Sun 15th Oct 2023
9am - Wake
12pm - Leave Snowdon, Wales
6pm - Arrive back in Hackney

Contact Details

Please contact our team on 07412640174 or 02081588500 for more information. Or email [email protected].

With a massive thank you in advance to all supporting our fundraising efforts. 

Elaine Thomas

Founder Ceo
The Mentoring Lab