The Power Of Mentoring


In this short presentation, we will talk about some of the choices you make each day - choices that can either steer you toward success or lead you down the wrong path.

All of us face risk factors - like stress at home, peer pressure, dangers when out and about, or doubts in ourselves - that make it harder to make good choices. And those choices have a BIG impact. Bad choices, like skipping school or lashing out at others, make it way tougher to achieve your dreams.

That's why mentoring we like to talk about The Power of Mentoring! Trusting mentors provide protective factors to help you make wise choices. How? By sharing a range of tools, habits and skills many of life's ups and downs like; handling stress responsibly, being a friend so you avoid bad influences, and reminding you of the superpowers you don’t even know you have! Most importantly, they never give up believing in YOU.

Mentoring activities will give you a safe space to discover your talents, get encouragement when you mess up, and practice using your words not fists when you’re upset. With your mentor in your corner, you'll gain the self-confidence to stand up to peer pressure, resolve conflicts maturely, and ultimately pave a path to becoming your best self.

So if you ever feel lost, down or think you can’t succeed, come talk to me! I’ll help you remember the good in yourself and regain hope for the bright future ahead. Progress takes patience with ourselves and others. Through our time together, you’ll gain skills to make smart choices and sweet success!

Now, let’s brainstorm all the awesome goals you have for yourself this year. Dream big! With hard work and support, anything is possible...

I aimed for an inspirational yet realistic tone here, but please share any feedback on improving this presentation. What resonated or what areas need more detail? I'm happy to refine it so we convey the immense potential of youth mentoring.


Primary School Presentation: Click here to view

Secondary School Presentation: Contact us here

Changing Lives with Youth Mentoring

'You have been a great listener and advocate and one thing I love about you and your team is……you don’t judge'. Parent Ms S Francis

At The Mentoring Lab, we have witnessed firsthand the incredible power that quality mentorship has to positively shape a young person’s life. For over 20 years, our Founder Ceo has guided youth in schools and communities, transforming futures for the better. The results speak for themselves – we have a solid mentoring program that boasts remarkable improvements in education, employment, self-confidence and life purpose amongst mentored teens and young adults.

'The mentoring lab has made our youth offering a complete success dedicated one 2 one's that allowed us to find new ways to help and support our members into great career paths yes but even more so confidence and comfortably being themselves so glad we didn't go it alone.' Parent Kareem Muhammed 



Research confirms the benefits of Mentoring. Studies show mentored youth have better school punctuality, attendance, further and higher education enrollment rates and greater odds of landing well-paying careers compared to their peers. At The Mentoring Lab, we feel privileged to steer our youth toward bright, purposeful futures.

'Fantastic Team ,the Mentoring Lab has lot’s of thing’s to do and they provide support and daily and weekly activities for the children Thank you for your support'. Young Person MP


Through weekly mentoring sessions, mentees gain consistent support to set goals, cultivate their interests, and overcome obstacles holding them back. Supporting young people who struggle in different areas of life gives every mentee the opportunity to reflect on their current situation, explore their strengths, reframe experiences and develop the qualities and skills to thrive. Gently taking young people out of their comfort zone and exposing them to a 'Growth Mindset', confidence soars, as with academic attainment, relationships and social skills.


Explore the below list of the benefits of mentoring on young people's life trajectories, along with sources:






The mentoring toolkit is the usp of TML. It is a great resource for me and my son. It is a 24hour resource that we can access to help us manage challenging situations. The Mentoring process is detailed from the initial enquiry to the face to face meetings.
I highly recommend TML. Parent Ms Saunders

We have countless stories and positive reviews. Our mentors are trusted adults in youths’ corners, advocating for mentees’ advancement in careers and communities. It’s incredibly fulfilling to receive regular updates from past mentees excelling in engineering programs, business internships and youth programs – reaching heights they never thought possible thanks to guidance from their mentor.


Contact us today to join our I AM, Youth Mentoring MasterClass. Click here to register

Coping with the Loss of a Mentee to Street Violence

Losing a mentee to street violence is an incredibly difficult experience, and I wouldn't wish the loss on anybody. I have lost two mentees, 2 family friends and 2 neighbours to street violence. All were under the age of 19.

As mentors, we are responsible for helping young people stay safe and make good choices, but unfortunately, violence is sometimes unavoidable in today’s world. This post will provide guidance on how to cope with the loss of a mentee due to street violence.

Express Your Feelings
It’s important that you take the time to process your emotions when dealing with the loss of a mentee. While it may be tempting to avoid thinking about it or try to push down your feelings, it’s important that you take the time to acknowledge your pain and express your feelings in healthy ways. Writing in a journal or talking to family members or friends can help you work through any difficult emotions that come up during this difficult time. Additionally, if you need extra support, consider reaching out for professional help from a therapist or counsellor.

Get Counselling 
Mentoring is a rewarding journey, but it can be challenging. Seeking counselling to help you navigate your mentoring practice is an excellent way to gain support and insight into yourself and others. Counselling sessions can provide the tools and resources to develop healthier relationships with those in your mentoring program. Additionally, many counsellors also offer training on topics such as communication, problem-solving, self-care, stress management, and goal setting. If you feel that your mentorship practice could benefit from professional guidance, consider seeking out a qualified counsellor or treatment provider today.

Honour Your Mentee’s Memory
One way to cope with the death of a mentee is by honouring their memory in some way. Whether it’s organising an event in their honour or writing a tribute piece, there are many ways that you can remember and pay homage to them. It will also be helpful for other loved ones who are grieving as well. You could even start a scholarship fund in their name at their school or college so they can continue to have an influence on other students’ lives even after they have passed away.

Stay Connected With Other Mentors
Losing a mentee can be especially difficult for mentors because we often become deeply connected and invested in our mentees' lives and futures. That connection doesn't just disappear once they pass away—it's important that we find ways to process our grief and stay connected with other mentors who are also dealing with similar losses. Consider joining the NYA or The Mentoring Lab, or other mentor communities, where mentors can share stories about their mentees and support each other during this difficult time.
Gone by not forgotten
Losing someone close is never easy, but it's especially hard when it's someone you've been teaching and guiding for some time—like when losing a mentee due to street violence happens. It's okay if things don't seem okay right away; healing takes time, sometimes years, with everyone responding differently after experiencing such tragedy. It's important that as mentors we take care of ourselves so we can best serve those around us—including our fallen mentees whose memories live on forever in our hearts and minds.
If you suspect your mentee is being groomed, escalate your concerns to your Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately. Listen to what they say about how to approach the situation, you could even contact St. Giles Trust, experts in supporting young people engaged in gangs. Offer support and don't make assumptions or judgments. It's important to stay open-minded if your mentee reveals anything concerning.
If they share details of who they are speaking to online or in person, report this information to your Designated Safeguarding Lead, who would have been trained to call the police. Don't fear and Don't delay; sharing your concerns or conversations is your professional duty and can protect not only your mentee but potentially other children too. Make sure your mentee knows it’s ok to come to talk about their experiences with you - it’s essential that they have a trustworthy support system in place during difficult times; this is also when they are most at risk.
Keep an open dialogue with your child and set boundaries that allow them to reach out if they feel uncomfortable. Communicate the message that no one has the right to ask them to keep secrets and that it's ok to reach out if they have concerns. Reassure them that despite circumstances you are always there as their mentor to talk about any issue.

Contact us today

Email us at [email protected] or call us today for a friendly chat on 02081588500.

Explore our current CPD training and Qualifications here


Qualifying as a Youth Mentor - Make It Your Priority!

With the growing need of all young people, it's imperative that we upskill, treating youth mentoring as a practice, used by professionals, and not merely a soft skill that we all possess and can easily do.

Below are two reasons why you should get qualified as a youth mentor.

1. The Power of Guidance

Youth mentoring involves providing guidance and advice to younger generations. As a youth mentor, you will help guide them through difficult times and provide them with the support they need to make informed decisions. Mentors are role models and provide not only emotional support but also practical assistance such as helping with school work or job applications. And while it may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that this is all done with the best of intentions - to help young people grow into responsible adults who can successfully navigate the world around them. This role shouldn't rely on a guessing game, or be offered on a whim. Learning 'how to deliver guidance safely, can save lives, especially when working with vulnerable and marginalised youth.


2. The Benefits of building integral relationships

In addition to being an incredible opportunity to give back to your community, there are many personal benefits associated with being a youth mentor. For starters, it’s an amazing way to develop meaningful relationships with those you’re mentoring and gain invaluable insights into different perspectives and lifestyles. Additionally, mentoring can also increase your understanding of yourself and the world around you - something that no amount of money can buy. Furthermore, being a youth mentor has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels and improve overall wellbeing - so it really is worth taking the time out for! In order to build integral relationships, we must remember to maintain professional boundaries, reflecting on our own past trauma and experiences. Putting ourselves as youth mentors last is harder than it seems, and maintaining critical boundaries, supporting mentee through mental health difficulties even more so.



Meeting the increasing need of young people

Given the importance of this role, there are certain qualifications that must be met before someone can become a youth mentor. Depending on where you live, these requirements may differ slightly; however, generally speaking you must have completed high school or equivalent education, have experience working with children or young adults in some capacity (e.g., coaching sports teams or volunteering), pass background checks/drug tests (if applicable), maintain an acceptable level of professionalism at all times, be patient and tolerant when dealing with challenging situations etc. On top of this there may also be additional training courses required which certify mentors in areas such as conflict resolution or crisis management – depending on the organization/location where you plan on working as a mentor.


Youth mentoring training shouldn't be a tick-box exercise!

Becoming a youth mentor is an incredibly rewarding experience if done properly – so make sure that qualifying as one is your priority! There are numerous benefits associated with this role – from developing meaningful relationships to gaining valuable insights into different perspectives/lifestyles – but most importantly it allows us as mentors to give back by helping our younger generations become successful adults who are capable of making informed decisions in life! So what are you waiting for? Start exploring your options today!


Get qualified. Contact us today

Email us at [email protected]

Explore our current CPD training and Qualifications here

Or call us today for a friendly chat on 02081588500.


Mentoring: A Pathway Through Structural Barriers

As a leader, you understand the importance of creating a culture that encourages diversity and inclusion. But how do you ensure everyone has access to the same opportunities for growth and development? One way is the mentorship of young people furthest away from advantage and from Global Majority backgrounds.

Simply put, mentoring is a powerful tool for ensuring everyone has equitable access to professional growth. Here’s why mentoring is critical for supporting young people in navigating structural barriers.

Mentoring Can Help Identify Structural Barriers
One of the most difficult aspects of navigating structural barriers is identifying them. This is where mentorship can be especially helpful, as it allows young people to gain insight into their own experiences and those of others. Through conversation, mentors can help mentees identify patterns in their careers shaped by unconscious bias or systemic discrimination and advise on safe and progressive strategies for overcoming those barriers. For example, if a young person is being passed over for promotions due to their gender or race, a mentor may be able to guide how they can advocate more effectively or address any issues around the familiar lack of confidence, imposter syndrome or the more complicated issue of systemic racism.


Mentoring Can Foster Career Growth in Unconventional Ways
Another way mentoring can help navigate structural barriers is by providing career guidance outside of traditional paths. Too often, certain roles are closed off to individuals based on ethnicity, religious beliefs or cultural practices, preventing them from accessing job opportunities that others take for granted. Mentors can offer support by providing advice on alternative pathways that will allow young people to explore new areas and develop new skill sets outside of traditional routes. They can also serve as advocates in situations where a young person may feel like they’re facing unfair treatment because of their background or identity—a strong mentor/mentee relationship can act as a buffer against this kind of discrimination.

Mentoring Helps Build Networks & Connections
Finally, having a mentor opens up access to valuable networks and connections which are often inaccessible due to structural barriers such as race or class. By leveraging these networks and connections, young people can better expand their career options and find potential mentors who specialize in particular fields that interest them—such as technology, finance, law, etc.—which gives them more opportunities for advancement than going it alone would provide them with. Additionally, having a mentor who understands young people's challenges when trying to break through structural barriers gives young mentees the confidence they need to succeed despite these obstacles.


Mentoring is a great resource for helping young people navigate structural barriers in their professional lives—but organisations must encourage this practice so everyone has equal access to opportunity regardless of background or identity. With proper guidance from experienced professionals who understand the unique concerns faced by young people attempting to overcome these types of obstacles, anyone can achieve success despite them! Creating an inclusive environment starts with fostering relationships between mentors and mentees; so don’t wait—start connecting today!


Contact us today

Join our amazing team of volunteer corporate mentors today, call on 02081588500 or complete this register of interest form to kickstart your onboarding process.


Learn more about Corporate Volunteer, Diego's journey with The Mentoring Lab

Watch now:


What's On for 2023

2023 is the year for ... progress


1:1 Youth Mentoring

Online: Wednesday on Zoom. Register here to receive mentoring (a waiting list may apply)

Face to Face: Saturday, 12-4pm, Unit 204 - 205, Bradbury Works, 3a-10 Bradbury Street, Gillet Square, Dalston, Hackney, N16 8JN

Click here to learn more

Register here to take part


Youth Mentoring Clubs 

Saturday Mentoring Club: Saturdays, 12-4pm, Unit 204 - 205, Bradbury Works, 3a-10 Bradbury Street, Gillet Square, Dalston, Hackney, N16 8JN

Too Much Leverage Game Show: Saturday 25th February, and every last Saturday of the month thereafter

Get into Music: April and summer 2023 (during school holidays)

Click here to learn more

Register here to take part


Game Time

Located in Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest

April Game Time: tbc

Summer Game Time: tbc

Click here to learn more about what we did in 2022

Register here to take part


YouthinkFWD Projects (Youth Led Projects)

Too Much Leverage Game Show

On The Met - Met Police Project

Youth Work Experience Programme

Click here to learn more

Register here to take part


Fundraising Events

Tough Mudder: 16th April 2023

The London Marathon: 23rd April 2023

Hackney Half Marathon:21st May 2023

Mount Snowdon Hike: Sun 27th - Mon 28th August 2023

Office email: [email protected]


Youth Mentoring Training

Fourth coming youth mentoring training dates are

Fri 10th Feb 2023: Introduction to Youth Mentoring | 10 - 2pm | Online

Wed 15th - Fri 17th Feb 2023: Level 3 Certificate in Youth Mentoring | 9-5pm | Online

For more information, explore our full range of training dates here

Office email: [email protected]

Contact Us

For more information, contact us at the details below

Office Number: 02081588500

Office Mobile: 07412640174

Office email: [email protected] or [email protected]


2023 Youth Mentoring CPD Training Dates Announced

Following a successful first year in delivering youth mentoring CPD training to youth practitioners across the UK, we are happy to announce our 2023 training dates.

Focused on delivering training and qualifications to support the development of mentoring practice across the youth, education, social care and voluntary sector our scheduled trainer-led youth mentoring CPD training and qualifications in:


In 2023 we will also have a range of on-demand youth mentoring CPD training available, with special offers for organisations requiring access to the training multiple times throughout the year.

On-demand youth mentoring CPD training will include:

2023 Youth Mentoring CPD Training Dates

For more information explore our training here

Contact Us

For more information contact us on the details below

Office Number: 02081588500

Office Mobile: 07412640174

Office email: [email protected]


Metro Newspaper Article: A Diverse Future fo The Met

Published on 15th November 2022, interviewed by the Metro Newspaper, we were invited to discuss The Mentoring Lab's project to improve the Met's recruitment of African and Caribbean youth.

To read the article in full visit the Metro Newspaper here

Contact Us

For more information contact us on the details below

Office Number: 02081588500

Office Mobile: 07412640174

Office email: [email protected]




Met Police #BTheChangeUWant2C

We are proud to be recipients of The Met Police Outreach Fund to support their efforts in increasing the recruitment of people from diverse backgrounds.

We are not blind to the issues within The Met Police, and the systemic issues affecting the relationship the force has with the black community.

We strongly believe that creating a safe place and community for Black, African and Caribbean youth who already want to get into policing is a model for increasing recruitment and retention.

This project is youth-led and aims to:

Metro Newspaper

To learn more about the project, please read the article in the Metro Newspaper found here. Note you will have to register with Metro newspaper first.


Contact us today

To learn more about this project or to apply to take part contact us on the details below

Office Number: 02081588500

Office Mobile: 07412640174

Office email: [email protected]


Youth Led Project by The Mentoring Lab working with The Met Police.

Meet our friends Tutor Fair

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Tutor Fair, one of London's leading tutoring marketplace with over 19,000 tutors and over 62,000 students registered.

Register Your Interest NOW

If your child is registered with The Mentoring Lab, aged 11-16 years old and would like free tutoring, please complete this form. This offer is first come first serve.

About The Tutoring 
Tutoring is available for free to committed and dedicated TML members aged 11-16 year olds who can commit to long-term tutoring in;
- Maths
- English
Start Date
Tutoring will start online from 14th November 2022, via the Tutor Fair platform. One-hour lessons take place after school on weekdays, typically between expecting 4-6 pm.
Criteria to take part
If you are interested your child must
1) Be aged 11-16 years old
2) Be a member of The Mentoring Lab
3) Show commitment and turn up to every session
4) Be focused and ready to learn
5) Have a quiet area in the house to do the lesson
6) Go over work studied with the tutor during the week to enhance learning and progression in knowledge.
Note: You must already be registered with The Mentoring Lab to receive this amazing opportunity.

To take part complete this form as soon as possible. This offer is first come first serve.