British Red Cross First Aid Workshops

This Summer, we are excited to announce that the British Red Cross will deliver a series of free First Aid workshops for Summer Game Time participants aged 10 - 19 years old.

As part of the Holiday Food and Activities programme, our summer Game Time programmes running in Waltham Forest, Hackney and Tower Hamlets are focused on getting active and healthy eating.

Enrichment offer

Our enrichment offer includes the first aid training, along with discussions around personal safety. Added to this our enrichment offer also includes mentoring activities from our Mentoring Tool Kit, arts and craft and well being education based on Zones of Regulation tool.


The British Red Cross First Aid workshops teach:

  • Essential first aid skills
  • Help young people to build the confidence and willingness to help someone in an emergency,
  • How to use everyday objects that they have around them to help someone in an emergency.

Young people will also be shown where to get support if they have an injury or illness, as well as introducing them to the work the British Red Cross we do in the UK.

To enrol for our half term programmes register here.


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