Racial Equity in Youth Mentoring

£90.00£150.00 + VAT


In this half day CPD course, trainees will explore the impact of biases within youth mentoring, moving from an awareness of systemic biases into action through the use of mentoring tools and techniques.


'A comprehensive and thoroughly inspiring day of training that is uniquely geared at meeting the needs of young people in the UK'.

Kelley Fields (Psychotherapist student)



This training will;

  • Appreciate the impact of biases on our decision-making within youth mentoring practice.
  • Understand what biases are, and the science behind bias from a neuroscience and evolutionary perspective.
  • Explore the negative implications of biases on the young people we serve.
  • Build knowledge to move from awareness of your biases into action.
  • Assess organisational risks and explore bias within your organisational culture.
  • Learn tools and techniques that professionally address negative biases

Our trainers will provide you with the space to reflect to enhance your mentoring practice.



Trainees will be able to;

  • Define how biases can operate outside of your conscious awareness.
  • Describe how bias operates in both individuals and organisations.
  • Identify possible biases in yourself and others.
  • Develop ways to manage personal non-beneficial biases.
  • Implement practical strategies to deal with subtle and unconscious bias in the workplace.
  • Create an action plan to remain aware of and challenge unconscious bias at work.



Discounts are available for groups of 3 or more people.


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