Online Career Mentoring Festival

Committed to providing career guidance to marginalised youth

At The Mentoring Lab we are committed to focusing our energies on the young people who for whatever reason don't have access to 'good' quality career guidance or information about the amazing jobs and careers that will exist in our glorious world.

We have been funded by The National Lottery to deliver an innovative project where young people get to participate in mini-projects run by industry professionals which on completion they receive 5 months of 1:1 and group career mentoring.


Helping young people realise their value

The Online Career Mentoring Festival is a celebration of professional careers that young people from marginalised backgrounds should know about and feel confident in entering.

Working with the subsection of our society who are often left without quality career guidance, the aim of the festival is to inspire young people who 'should' be seen as assets by our British Industries. Industries are missing out on the amazing grit, resourcefulness and problem-solving abilities of our youth and young people think 'those jobs or careers' are not for them.

Many of the young people mentioned are from black and marginalised backgrounds, with diagnosed or undiagnosed learning needs, who deserve to experience their learning and communication style as a gift and not a hindrance when entering careers across British industries.  


Informing adults

At the same time, we also hope to encourage parents, schools, and employers to empower all young people in their network to achieve their career goals, regardless of what the traditional way of thinking about learning needs is.


What's taking place 

Our online career mentoring fest gives young people a chance to take part in;

  • Online Career Speed Mentoring Event
  • Mini online projects delivered by industry experts
  • Receiving up-to-date careers guidance and real-life career stories
  • Five months post-event career mentoring 
  • Access to career development tools
  • Project-based AQA Unit Awards and Certificates

Online Career Speed Mentoring Event: 

Emile Heskey and Deputy Mayor of Hackney were our main guests at last year's online career speed mentoring event called Share The Love. Take a look at all the professionals that also took part and preview what happens at Share The Love via this short YouTube video below.



To take part register a young person's interest

Complete this short registration form HERE


Supporting companies and professionals

We can confirm the companies and professionals supporting this year's online career mentoring festival are:


A safe space to reflect

Young people are offered a safe space to reflect on their current situation, their skills, explore opportunities available to them and areas for development. 

In 1:1 or small group career mentoring sessions, young people will design a career pathway that suits their values and ambitions. They will learn how to plan strategically and take lots of SMART action now.

At the end of the mentoring relationship, young people will be more confident, have a fantastic CV, cover letter, and industry knowledge to help them launch and accelerate their careers.

Career Mentoring is framed and supported by our Mentoring Tool Kit.


Target Audience: Young people aged: 14 - 25 years old from black, Asian, Minority Ethnic backgrounds. Living in: North, East and South East London. 

Register Interest:  Before 10th February 2022 (Register HERE)

Festival kicks off: 13th February 2022

The Festival ends in July 2022!


How to take part

To take part register a young person's interest HERE


Contact us

To speak with a member of our team call our office mobile on 07412640174 or email [email protected]

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