Get A Mentor

With one to one and group mentoring we give young people a safe space to reflect, explore and develop
Delivered by our sister company The Mentoring Lab Training and Development
Outcomes Focused

With corporate style mentoring and coaching, 
our mentoring model empowers young people to identify their strengths and assets to overcome barriers to their progression.
Evidenced Based

Guided by our 48 page Mentoring Tool Kit and workbook, mentees complete fun, reflective and explorative activities, to develop self, qualities and their future.

We create safe spaces for mentees to reflect on their current situation, explore solutions, reframe past experiences and develop the qualities  or skills to succeed. 

Short Term Mentoring Packages

Long Term Mentoring Packages

High Quality Youth Mentoring

Nesta research in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University found that better mentoring outcomes are associated with:

Longer mentoring periods and frequent contact.
A high level of commitment from the mentor and regular contact with the mentee.
Shared backgrounds or similar interests between mentor and mentee.
Mentee choice in the matching process.
'Rarely have I seen an organisation with this quality of mentoring model. I think 
The Mentoring Lab’s model has a lot to offer the youth sector'.

Vicky Torrance
Connect 2 Communities

Our Mentoring Tool Kit

Our mentoring tool kit is a workbook with over 48 pages of mentoring and coaching activities that support young people in learning more about themselves, their situation and their preferred future. 

My mentoring sessions are always constructive and encouraging. The Mentoring Lab is an outstanding organisation!

Esther, aged 18
Young Person

Free Mentoring Packages

If you are a parent or guardian of a young person aged 10-25 years old from a low-income Black or marginalised background, contact us today to find out if The Mentoring Lab Community C.I.C are able to offer 3 months (12 weeks) mentoring for free.


Funded Mentoring

When successful, our community services are funded by amazing grant givers, trusts and individual givers who value the work that we do and appreciate the impact we make on the lives of Black and marginalised young people.

Contact us today to book an initial conversation.

My daughters has made so much progress that I do not want anything or anyone to undo the great work The Mentoring Lab’s has done for not just my child but me too'.

Parent of young person aged 13

School based and Local Authority Outreach Mentoring

At Risk 

Outcomes focused with career guidance. Strengths and asset based. Aims to improve protective factors and lifestyle choices.


A reflective space to explore, reframe and make progression in
overcoming barriers to progression and learning.

Black Boy

Culturally competent progression and career mentoring. Aims to enhance personal networks, protective factors and lifestyle choices.
Download Info Pack
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